Event Details
- Date: –
- Venue: Ballavartyn Equestrian Centre
- Categories: Arena Eventing
- Tags: Arena Eventing, Unaffiliated
Juniors up to 16yrs on 14.2HH or below. Seniors to be suitably mounted.
Competitors must be 12yrs old to ride 14.3hh or over.
- Class 1 - 45cm / 55cm
- Class 2 - 65cm / 75cm
- Class 3 - 75cm / 85cm
- Class 4 - 85cm / 95cm
Entry Fees £10.00 per class
Current Entries
Rules for MHC Challenge Events 2022
- All team members must be bona fide members of an organisation affliated to the Manx Horse Council and with affiliation fees paid for that year. Teams will be made up of 4 riders on 4 different horses /ponies unless stipulated otherwise. All 4 scores to count with appropriate penalties added to the score of those eliminated with no discard scores.
- A competitor may ride a second horse in the same challenge if entries allow but only for a "B" team from the same organisation as their first ride.
- Team entries must be declared before the entry deadline.
- Riders must be suitably mounted. Horses and ponies must be up to the weight to be carried and be an appropriate size for the task in hand. The final decision will be made by the chairperson of the Manx Horse Council or by an individual appointed by the chairperson.
- Challenge Competitions are to be run separately from non-challenge classes where possible and on a "stand-alone" date. In some disciplines this may not be feasible.
- The first performance of the day of members to count for the team score. Performing at a lower level than the team declaration is not allowed. Riders may enter other classes (if time allows) but only after the counting team effort.
- Lead rein riders are excluded.
- Schedules for the challenges are to be made available 2 months in advance of the competition.
- There will be a trophy for the club accumulating the most points over the entire series of Challenges. Clubs will be awarded 1 point for competing and the winning team will get an additional 6 points, second 5 points, third 4 points, fourth 3 points, fifth 2 points and sixth 1 point. Only "A" teams will receive points towards the overall competition.
Showjumping Rules
- Heights of the fences will be 45cm/55cm, 65cm/75cm, 75cm/85cm, 85cm/95cm. Riders do two rounds and no more than 2 members of a team at the same height.
- Scores will be constituted by jumping faults. The 4 team scores will give the team result. The winners will be the team with the lowest aggregate total.
- In the event of the aggregate scores being equal then the team with a member with the fastest time in the jump-off (at the higher height for that competitor) will be the winner.
- The Individual Champion will be decided by the fastest time in the jump-off (at the higher height).
- Competitors are expected to jump at a height that they have competed at during the season.
- The worst score for that round plus 20 penalties will be added to the team score for those members eliminated.
- The rules of the challenge will incorporate all the rules of the hosting organisation.
Entries close at 9pm on Friday 18 November. No late/day entries will be accepted for this event.
Horse Health
By entering I confirm that my horse is showing no signs of illness, including a recent cough or nasal discharge. The horse(s) are not under any investigations for / been in contact with any horses under investigations for EHV and have been resident in the UK for the last 28 days.
Ballavartyn accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to any person, animal, vehicle or property whatsoever – however caused. Owners/riders enter entirely at their own risk and it is a condition of entry that no liability of any kind attaches itself to the organisers, judges or landowner at the event in any respect whatsoever.